What's up FAM?

      Centennials...centennial times..generation Z...this is us right here people ..our generation. I mean the millennials too are a very integral part of the workforce and the world.

  My podcast🎧 is just a place i want someone to feel like they actually aren't alone, the experiences they go through as centennials or millennials are common and most us the people there age are too going through them .

  Interviews with fellow centennials and millennials who have made it in the score board of life and the struggling ones, updates on what is happening today and where,what is on fire out there, who is on fire🔥 and trending for what. From memes to books whatever is out there, hot discussions, elders views...yes I'm speaking about the boomers and the generation X. Local celebrity interviews ..
   I don't wanna sell you on this just tune in as soon as we on which veryyy soon.
                    coming soon. 


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