On 22 of October 2021, poetry255 did it again and hosted one another of their spectacular poetry slam series "FOR BETTER OR VERSE" at ajabu ajabu audiovisual house in masaki, Dar es salaam, the event swarmed with endless talents and performances from different poets coming from different parts with different life experiences both with stories to tell.

   One of the poets on stage that night was yours truly "me" and it was such an honor to grace the stage with talents like kay wrights, apoetpepa, jonie ajax, and others I haven't mentioned,
The theme of the event was  baby-steps and all poets managed to speak their truths out and audiences had their ears out, thanks to everyone who played a role in making this happen.
    More insight and memories on this beautiful night can be found on  poetry255's Instagram page,
    As a poet and an artist its my duty and responsibility to act as a mirror to society, and as human beings we don't always like what we see in the mirror and forget its our own reflection. An artist's job is to show this no matter how society feels using any means possible. For those who were able to attend the event or visit my Instagram page, I happened to perform in a costume put together by the one and only Ibrahim Laseko,
the CEO and founder of swahili apparel&swahilikid clothing line and we are going to go behind the look and breakdown the outfit and the message it was carrying. 

1.What inspired the costume/look?
      This is an era of a financially  woke 
generation, nobody in this time wants to be left out in the whole wealth and riches thing, so its a generation filled with hard workers and people dedicated to trying to make better lives for themselves and loved ones,
Though in the process most of us find ourselves in a rat race inside a cage, we create a reality that without money nothing moves and lives, we create an obsession with finding new ways to make more and more,
our days become fueled with money and the endless lifelong pursuit for it, it becomes the reason we wake up and the reason we dream at night, 
The blue shirt and black trouser was inspired by 9-5 workers I always run into in the city buses every morning on their way to go make money and call it a day then repeat tomorrow. 

 2.Why the money stacks and chain?
      The money stacks and blindfold are to show how blind we have become on this journey of life we have become creatures who put a price on anything and anyone, its like money is what make the world go around and some might actually argue for that but we forget its people who actually make the world, its the little things like kindness, love, laughter and reciprocity that can make the human race thrive and master the universe, looking at things from a different eye, but we are so caught up in making this money that sometimes we don't see our talents and gifts/blessings, we cant see past paychecks and profits we have made money the reason for our living.

The chains represent a prisoner, someone under a sentence, but some prisons are rather more psychological and these are the shackles keeping us in those prisons, thoughts that we need money to be        complete, happy 
or fulfilled.

The actual truth is that money cant bring any sort of fulfillment, rather than a short time satisfaction followed by obsessive thoughts on how to get more and for some this chain imprisons them for an entire life times and they forget to appreciate living.


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